Velvet Revolution
This is the web site I was talking about, Velvet Revolution. Consider the list of affiliates down the left side of the screen. Wha? Are you serious?!? Look at all those groups!
They are first of all interested in election reform, but media reform, Iraq, and "other stuff of note" are also part of it all.
Here's a snippet from the "about" page:
" is a non-profit organization that intends to bring together all the many progressive movements, organizations and people in the country to oppose the arrogance of power in Washington today. VR will use the lessons learned in civil rights movements worldwide to insure that the policies and laws of the United States respect a rule of law based on the inalienable rights of freedom, liberty, peace and happiness. Tens of millions of Americans have made it very clear recently that they want a government that is tolerant, honest and respectful. VR is your movement. Please join, support and act!"
They are first of all interested in election reform, but media reform, Iraq, and "other stuff of note" are also part of it all.
Here's a snippet from the "about" page:
" is a non-profit organization that intends to bring together all the many progressive movements, organizations and people in the country to oppose the arrogance of power in Washington today. VR will use the lessons learned in civil rights movements worldwide to insure that the policies and laws of the United States respect a rule of law based on the inalienable rights of freedom, liberty, peace and happiness. Tens of millions of Americans have made it very clear recently that they want a government that is tolerant, honest and respectful. VR is your movement. Please join, support and act!"
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